Neutral Accounting Services

In certain contested settings, the parties will often select a neutral accountant to help them resolve their disagreements related to financial and accounting items. A neutral accountant customarily provides services for both sides of the dispute (rather than a single client) in areas where the accountant has a significant level of experience, competency, and credibility. Retaining a neutral accountant can often prove to be a more efficient and cost-effective method to resolving a dispute. In fact, there are situations where a CPA may be the best choice to support, analyze, or even decide a specific accounting or financial concern.

Green Flash Forensics has a reputation of integrity and objectivity, and a commitment to neutrality. We also provide neutral accounting services without conflicts of interest (business or independence) that burden many of the large international consulting and public accounting firms. At the same time, we can draw upon industry and technical resources to supplement our engagement teams on an as needed basis.

Our neutral accounting service areas include:

  • Merger and acquisition post-acquisition disputes, most commonly in the form of working capital and earn-out disputes
  • Joint forensic accounting assignments where the parties seek an impartial accountant to review a specific set of accounting/financial issues and concerns
  • Litigated matters where the court appoints us to assist the judge and/or jury in evaluating specific accounting or financial issues
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